One more week my friends! Can you believe we are already almost 90 days into the new year? Even with all the world has seen happen already in 2023, we are making small changes and impacting our daily life in huge ways. I am so excited for this community, and so proud of you!
To wrap up this challenge I am going to do a fun giveaway, so stay tuned next week on my instagram and be sure to check your email for updates!
This week we are working on feeding ourselves, and our family. I have saved meal planning for the end of this challenge because it has felt soooooo daunting to me, and I don't think I'm mistaken in thinking it is a big obstacle for most adults. I mean, just when you finish one meal you realize "oh my gosh, I have to decide what to eat/feed everybody again".... and it goes on and on forever.
With some of my health challenges the last few years my family has gotten in to the habit of takeout a lot, and my husband has really stepped up and become the main dinner preparer. I am SO FORTUNATE that this has been the case, but feel like I lost my touch. My meal planning and preparing touch.
So, alas, here we are already. The moment we've been preparing for.
Week 12 Daily Habit: Considering Dinner
I am going to leave this habit up to you and what you have the capacity for at the moment, which is why I called this habit "considering dinner". Maybe the habit is looking at your meal planner over your morning coffee and mentally planning out how to make that dinner happen. Maybe it is prepping all that you can for dinner at lunch, so when the time comes and the kids are losing their afternoon marbles and you are trying to get dinner on the table it is a little bit easier.
My question is: what small habit change will it take to make cooking dinner (or getting dinner) easier for you and your family? The beautiful thing about these habits we have been creating is that they take so much of our mental load away. We are training our brains and bodies to automatically do things that make our household run more smoothly so we don't have to even think about it.
So, what will it take?
For me, I think picking a day to plan out meals and write a grocery list is a huge deal and weekly habit to follow, and then at lunch time prepping out what can be done to make dinner easier will be my daily habit. We are very much in the toddler witching hour stage where anything past afternoon nap is complete and utter chaos, so this habit will be what it takes to get food on the table.
A little tip- consider making yourself a weekly schedule that you follow for meal plans, or use mine:
Following a schedule like this and rotating out the dinner ideas or recipes could take a looooooot of the mental load off your shoulders!
As always, I have resources I sent out to subscribers to make life easier and this habit stick. Also- in the shop I now have "Meal Planning Made Simple"... with over 200 dinner ideas that go along with my themed viral weekly meal schedule.
I'm cheering for you!